This is such a heart-felt and professionally run school. In so many ways, my daughter has benefited from her piano lessons with AMS: from the social interaction facilitated by the piano teacher; communication skills; listening skills – playing games where the kids need to have listened to the teacher in order to answer correctly and win points; confidence building; and above all…my daughter can now confidently play the PIANO…!
Thanks AMS!
“I am often asked to recommend a good music education system for children. I unhesitatingly recommend AMS – both my children went through this system and have benefitted enormously. The teachers are wonderful, the kids love the classes and they come away with genuine musical skills and a love of music that will stay with them forever. AMS provides fantastic opportunities for children – as they say, it’s amazing what can happen when you start for the fun of it!”
Kate Lidbetter, CEO Symphony Australia
We tried 3 different music schools before choosing to stay with AMS. They are simply the best! Very competent teachers, attentive to your child’s needs and supportive in their learning. Classes are fun and the teaching method seems to work wonders. I have strongly recommended them to all my friends!
Thanks for having designed such a brilliant Music Education program. I can see in every detail it’s building for a really rounded, holistic understanding of music and that it lays such sound foundations for LOVING piano and music more generally. The group context, the curriculum, the number and variety of exercises packed into each hour – it really is the best program I’ve seen and I’ve researched quite a few. So thank you! My 6 year old son and my 74 year old Mum are both loving AMS! (I will have to join a class soon!)